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Discover existing initiatives led by cities across Europe committed to fostering green, inclusive and attractive cities by clicking on the map or using the search box. You can select projects according to their geographical scope, using keywords, or visualise projects awarded in a European, National or Regional call for project. If a project interests you please consult the feedback sheet and select it as a "favourite".

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This filter enables you to look for projects according to their geographical scope, by keywords or by state of progress. You can activate the "only recognised projects" filter in order to display projects which have been awarded for their sustainability by a European, a national or a regional authority.

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Listed here are the projects you are interested in, either because you created them or follow them, or because you have been given contributor or reader rights

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Training Academy on the localisation of the SDGs 5 projects
SDG Assessment 2 projects
Global Goals 4 Cities 17 projects